Before you read this offering, please take a “d-e-e-p breath” so that we can go straight to the “heart” of the matter.
Everyone in America and the World regardless of heritage, creed or class requires the 2 sensorial gifts of the breath of life and the beating heart in order to have one moment to the next.
Therefore the breath of life and the beating heart are essential for life and must be present for all of our thoughts, words and actions to even have a chance to exist.
For me, the breath of life and the beating heart represent the “root system” of our tree of life. In the same manner that most root systems tend to be hidden beneath the soil but are vital for the nourishment and strength of the plant or tree, so it is with the breath of life and the beating heart for us. However, we are unable to “see” them like we do a face, an arm or a leg.
I trust that we can all meet at the table of agreement regarding the universal importance of the breath of life and the beating heart. Quite simply, it is our birthright!!
Similarly, more important than what you “do” for a person is how you make them feel!! –– and the feeling that is most required in America and the World right now (but is missing at the forefront of our lives) for a meaningful change to occur is one of unconditional love and compassion.
A quick look at the landscapes of healthcare (especially with the current coronavirus), education/schooling, financial, judicial, political, and the evidence is overwhelming that ALL, like a drought needs rain, desperately thirst for a revamp, a thorough and complete overhaul!!
This has to be facilitated by a new way of thinking in order to come up with different solutions. “Yes!”, “Yes!”, “Yes!” is my enthusiastic response. However, for me, first and foremost, it requires a new way of appreciating our “Being” which then can lead to a new way of thinking, speaking and behaving.
Now, I will use a naturally occurring organic seed, any tiny seed, able to fit into the palm of a baby’s hand to help us with our new appreciation of our “Being.” A seed, like us, is equipped with ALL of the inherent but necessary ingredients for growth. Eventually sprouting from the seed is the root system upon which robust trees, plants and beautiful flowers will be able to blossom or bear wholesome fruit.
The “wisdom” or the magnificence of the seed’s essence is concentrated from within. Therefore, an apple seed is unable to grow into a pear or mango tree and vice versa. Imagine if the apple seed went “seeking” –– outside of itself –– for information on how to become a pear or a mango tree. This would be a “dilution” of the apple seed’d appreciation of the magnificence of its essence. It would represent a counter productive and ultimately ineffective direction of the apple seed’s energy in an effort to be something other than itself.
“Does this pattern sound familiar in our individual and/or collective lives?” –– always seeking, chasing, hoping for something outside of the magnificence of our essence, of the inherent creative energy/vibration which we are all manifestations of. We are all imbued with the ultimate and life necessary sensorial gifts of the breath of life and the beating heart, gifts that allow us to appreciate our “Being” each and every moment from a place of unconditional love and compassion.
In my opinion, this is the “new approach“, the “SOLUTION” for the ongoing drama in America and throughout the World.
Why is this a PREREQUISITE?
Well, the challenges (amplified by the coronavirus) for all of our systems such as healthcare, financial, educational/schooling, judicial, political and so forth have been created by individuals or a group of individuals.
This has been the case since the first homosapiens walked the earth.
Therefore, how these individuals or groups of individuals choose to validate their self-worth will be reflected in all of their thoughts, words and actions as well as in all of the systems which they create or have created.
A detailed review of all of the individuals and systems which they have created would be too exhaustive for the purpose of this offering. However, rest assured that we have ALL been touched and/or impacted in one way or another by these people-created-systems.
Therefore, the SOLUTION for the ongoing drama in America and throughout the World has to be centered on the nature of the “root” of our self-worth validation.
So, what does my proposed SOLUTION look like?
Well, please allow me to introduce the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.).
The words themselves are self-explanatory. However, what is the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) shining on? –– ALL of our thoughts, words and actions.
What is the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) looking for? –– a profound respect for, and protection of the breath of life and the beating heart along with evidence of unconditional love & compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is –– “plain and simple!!”
When we connect the dots even more or should I say the “roots“, the SOLUTION becomes even clearer.
As an observer of and a participant in life, I have come to realize that we tend to channel so much incessant energy and focus on divisiveness such as gender, ethnicity, class, media, religious and political affiliation (just to mention a few) that we forget that without the presence of the breath of life and the beating heart, it would all count for nought, one big ZERO!!
Hence, it became abundantly clear to me that if the breath of life and the beating heart could survive generation after generation of being ignored and/or taken for granted while still continuing to support ALL of us, for ALL of our lives; that this is an outstanding example of unconditional love & compassion. An example that we can ALL relate to in a tangible manner.
We all instinctively know that we need to breathe and that our hearts have to beat in order for us to be able to live from one moment to the next. As a consequence, their (the breath of life and the beating heart’s) presence and support for the duration of our life cycles provides us with consistent opportunities to be infinitely grateful for their wonderful support and service. This means that they must be afforded the highest level of respect and protection in order for them to function optimally.
What does this REALLY mean?
It requires an individual as well as collective and universal commitment to ensure that we ALL have access to the cleanest and healthiest possible air, water, soil, food, building and household materials plus safe EMF (Electromagnetic Field) environments along with the implementation of appropriate stress management measures.
Therefore, any negative or harmful thoughts, words or actions which directly or indirectly affect the breath of life and/or the beating heart, must, I repeat, must be courageously looked at and be removed, altered or avoided altogether.
Now, as we continue with my proposed SOLUTION for America and the World to move in a “new” meaningful direction –– each one of us must ask ourselves ONE PRIMARY QUESTION. This is: “are my thoughts, words and actions embodying, reflecting or creating feelings of unconditional love & compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is?”
If you or anyone can answer the question in the affirmative, then, maintain and amplify that vibe.
However, if your answer to the question is in the negative, then you must be courageous (“have heart”) enough to take a look at why and make adjustments towards the positive.
If an individual or group of individuals are unwilling to ask themselves the one primary aforementioned question or make themselves available to be asked it, then the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) must shine on them. Under the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.), they must be given the opportunity to make meaningful change which leads to a consistent and significant difference. If there is resistance by those under the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) to make meaningful changes within a reasonable period, then you/we must withdraw your/our support.
Remember, the goal is to always foster feelings of unconditional love and compassion for one and all in all aspects of society.
Everyone, regardless of their location or circumstance on planet Earth has a contribution (big or small) to make in this life. Learning opportunities constantly abound, whether they come from high, medium, low or everything in-between levels of awareness. They can also occur from a completely unaware state or from positive and/or negative situations/circumstances.
As a world traveler and current resident in America, it is very clear to me that America has TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE on the World’s Stage and that its MARKETING GENIUS is UNPARALLELED.
What if this MARKETING GENIUS was CHALLENGED to bring widespread respect for the breath of life and the beating heart?? –– imagine ALL forms of media (visual, digital, audio, print, etc.) encouraging all individuals to learn how to choose to validate one’s self-worth from a place of unconditional love and compassion by “tuning in to the sensorial gifts of the breath of life and the beating heart with infinite gratitude for all that is.” The positive transformative effect that this would have on the drama in America and throughout the World would be EPIC AND HISTORIC!!.
The emphasis is on a d-e-e-p “tuning in” and doing so consistently because this is when real transformation can occur in conjunction with the development of TRUST (a vital and necessary component).
Would you prefer to trust someone “tuned in” to unconditional love and compassion or someone skilled in the art of deception?
I have had a long standing relationship as well as many members of our family with America and the World. Hence, it behooves me, with every fiber of my “Being” to introduce and promote this viable solution for the ongoing drama in America and throughout the World. It’s all possible by learning to validate our self-worth from a place of unconditional love and compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is. I understand that the shifts in levels of awareness is an ongoing and dynamic process. It’s a part of my experience whenever I shine the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) on myself. When I shine the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) on myself, it allows me to see evidence of concepts which I grew up with but have come to realize that my benefit or convenience (especially in the food, clothing and digital worlds) has occurred without my full awareness of the discomfort endured by others in other parts of the World.
My mission is to alter this feeling and narrative by “FLOOD LIGHTING” my/our hearts and psyches with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND COMPASSION.
The “blueprint” to augment this mission is detailed in my e-book entitled “Self-worth: A prescription for living in a complex world”(
Can you imagine the GREAT turn around for America and the rest of the World? –– Everything that we we think say and do is linked to unconditional love and compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is. Environmental stewardship, agricultural development, attention to air and water quality, education/schooling, wealth creation and profiteering –– ALL from a place of unconditional love and compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is and ALWAYS under the Spotlight of Accountability (S.O.A.).
It might appear that I am suggesting some utopian ideal but this would be quite contrary to the “rooted” fundamental of contrast that is present in life –– positive vs negative, hot vs cold, dry vs wet, day vs night and so on…
Contrast creates the rhythm of life –– it’s inescapable!!!!
Please recall that every system (from healthcare, financial, economical to educational/schooling and political) was created by individuals along with all of their various perpetrated challenges, inequities and ways of maintaining them. These individuals ALL require the breath of life and the beating heart to be able to function. Individuals who are supported in an unconditionally loving and compassionate manner by these 2 sensorial gifts. Yet still, these individuals function seemingly unaware of their relationship with these 2 sensorial gifts. They (the gifts, and what they represent) appear to be absent in most of their thoughts, words and actions.
This FUNDAMENTAL DISCONNECT, even in the abundance of intellect is at the HEART of America’s and the World’s UPSET. Therefore, without the breath of life and the beating heart as the CENTRAL FOCUS, we will always be caught up in a hocus pocus.
Words can produce vibrations which can be either positive or negative. Here again we see evidence of the contrast which creates the rhythm of life. However, we can make a choice to use words which are positive centered and support feelings of unconditional love and compassion.
Now, let’s apply my proposed solution to a few ongoing tempestuous issues in America and many parts of the World.
I will start with the police.
Let’s bring out our Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) and shine it on the police “root” system.
First and foremost, all members of the police service have and require the breath of life and the beating heart in order to “protect and serve” –– as do the people who they “protect and serve.” Therefore, if mutual respect for the breath of life and the beating heart is promoted instead of the energy of being a police officer/”overseer”, we can have a “KOPP –– Keeper Of Peace with P.e.a.c.e (Positive energy always causes elevation).” Remember that words have energy and can create vibrations which are positive or negative. Hence, we can have “PKS’ – PEACEKEEPERS” instead of “POS’ –Police Officers/Overseers.”
When combined with the appropriate training that reflects the “PK –– PeaceKeeper” energy, we can create a real shift in the relationship between police and the American populace –– especially those of African and mixed descent as well as the resource challenged and under-served. It will create a more welcoming energy rather than an adversarial one.
The only oath to be upheld is to RESPECT the breath of life and the beating heart.
Of course, the use of situational relevant and documented self-defense measures would certainly be understandable.
Once again, this would be a wonderful opportunity for the American marketing genius to promote the PK concept and thus alter the police service narrative.
“It can and must be done –– ‘PKS’ –– PeaceKeepers are necessary for our society!!”
The next item requiring immediate attention and transformation is the dilution of the magnificence of our essence by using skin color as a reference.
The reason is that without the presence of the breath of life and the beating heart, the color reference becomes irrelevant especially in this day and age with the widespread availability of DNA testing which used to verify our paternal and maternal connections, solve crimes and prove innocence.
Nowadays, there are many opportunities available via various DNA testing services which allow each and everyone of us to gain a sense of our genetic ancestry and heritage. Thus, it provides a strong link to our cultural genealogy rather than that of color. Therefore, to keep referring to individuals or groups by color requires re-referencing.
We ALL have a Genetic Heritage Connection.
Furthermore, there is an absence of any country in the world that is called by a color.
Hence, this practice should be immediately and universally adjusted across the board.
The American marketing genius would be a great asset in supporting and effecting this necessary change. Interestingly, in all of my numerous travels including those in and out of America, I’m yet to be asked to produce my passport to reveal my country of color.
Remember, words can produce positive or negative vibrations.
“My oh my” if you think color causes drama then let’s put the Spotlight Of accountability (S.O.A.) on relationships!!
Relationships can take on all forms and fashion, with ourselves, parent-child, in marriage, common law, committed, non-committed, business, sport and many others. For the purpose of this discussion, let’s look at the long held sacrosanct relationship of marriage (from my observer’s viewpoint). I have been fortunate enough to have seen examples of 50 plus years of marriage to ones which dissolved in a year or two as well as everything else in-between. What was fascinating for me were the various stories that lead up to the marital commitment. For some, the attraction started in High School, in other situations, even before High School. While others occurred during or after College. There were also the arranged relationships.
Outside of the physical and/or “chemical” attraction, the eventual movement towards matrimony tended to stem from the desire to have a committed companion or be taken care of, to becoming a Mother or Father. Also considered was if enough criteria on their “checklist” of marriage “material” were satisfied.
There were those who had dreams of reveling in the pomp and ceremony of the wedding event with all of the accompanying accoutrements and taken “vows”; solidified in the presence of and commitment to the Divine, with the utmost reverence and trust. Some felt that after going through this elaborate process, it meant that all forms of intimacy are now legitimized for the duration of their respective life cycles.
However, many discovered that once the initial honeymoon phase was over, the “busyness” of life would take hold and what each person “in-to-me-sees” gets revealed. Sometimes this was quite uncomfortable which lead to a facade being concocted in order to “validate” all of the dating and marital energy.
It was to give the impression that ALL is still alive and well. However, behind closed doors it was a completely different story. All types of unresolved internal challenges start coming to the surface. Parental, mental, emotional, physical and financial stress would show in the great behind closed doors reveal!!
“Ta-Da!!” –– this highlights that most relationships are “rooted” in everything else except unconditional love and compassion from a d-e-e-p attunement to and respect for the breath of life and the beating heart with infinite gratitude for all that is. In other words, being able to appreciate fully the magnificence of each other’s essence.
therefore, without this type of understanding and commitment to what is at the “root” of any relationship, the ability to create and share feelings of unconditional love and compassion consistently will invariably be a constant and an elusive challenge. this is super significant because we know that more than what we “do” for each other is how we make each other “feel” that really matters!!
Consequently, without the relationship “roots” present, “compromise” becomes the operative word linked to the energy in the relationship. Trust will be violated in one form or another, vows will fade away, internal and external discomfort and/or abuse will get masked in order to hold on to “vows” and other concocted reasons to endure until the mask gets “ripped” away.
“i am or I feel lonely” gets consciously or unconsciously repeated –– even in the presence of your intimate partner and/or the children. Unaddressed feelings of hurt show up as toxic thoughts, words and actions –– poisoning the “home” environment and perpetuating dysfunctional cycles from one generation to the next.
If you check the divorce and separation rates in America and throughout the World, I’m pretty sure that you will find support for my observations. Please feel free to drop me a line with your findings at
I would also suspect that if anyone in a relationship is willing to allow the body parts and fluids of another individual to enter and become part of their “Being”, then the feeling you most certainly would want to have present and be left with is one of unconditional love and compassion. this is ALL possible when you are really “tuned in” to the Breath of Life and the Beating Heart with infinite gratitude for all that is. In turn, this beautiful energy can be shared with your partner and vice versa for the duration of your respective life cycles.
Therefore, when we shine the Spotlight of accountability (S.O.A.) on each individual in the relationship, what we will see is an unwavering commitment to unconditional love and compassion in all of their thoughts, words actions by “tuning in” to and respecting the breath of life and the beating heart with infinite gratitude for all that is. Consequently, in each and every moment of the relationship, you will be able to say to each other (in intimacy or otherwise) “in-to-me-see” the magnificence of my/each other’s essence. This is the partner/marital commitment/vow that builds REAL TRUST and allows space for vulnerability –– ALL from a place of unconditional love and compassion. In this environment abuse is UNABLE to manifest.
This is the game changer for an approach to relationships (marital or otherwise) in America and throughout the World.
One of the emptiest feelings is when you live long enough to realize that through a lack of awareness and respect for the breath of life and the beating heart in yourself as well as in all sentient “Beings” that you, I, we, have created or caused harm –– it could be mental, emotional, physical or some other form.
At some point in all of our lives (mine included), we have had thoughts, spoken words and/or performed actions from a place of low level of awareness or in some cases completely unaware. Hence, it is essential for each and every one of us to be able to hold space for each other from a place of unconditional love and compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is.
The feelings of unconditional love and compassion are TOO STRONG to be faked!!!
In my humble opinion, it is the most viable way to develop authenticity, transparency and trust!!! This has to IMMEDIATELY become our COLLECTIVE and UNIVERSAL MISSION if we intend to salvage ALL forms of life on this planet we call Earth.
When there are repeated, recurring displays of a lack of accountability from a a place of unconditional love and compassion, they MUST be courageously retired for life and living to have a chance!!
Once you are breathing and your heart is beating –– you/we can do this!!!!
In order to support this process along with the required shift in how we learn to choose to validate our self-worth, i have created and made available for one and all the concise “BLUEPRINT” for the success of the mission in my e-book “Self-Worth: A prescription for living in a complex world –”
So, “shine, shine shine, oh Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) shine” on this matrimonial union committed under the Divine and let’s make it better in time.
Next up is Politics.
When we shine the Spotlight Of Accountability (S.O.A.) on the “root” of politics, it reveals the activities associated with governance and carried out by politicians –– people who are supposed to represent the “voices “of the masses. Therefore, it begs the question: why would anyone support someone who says what they will “do” for you only to end up with limited, if any, meaningful and long lasting positive impact?
This political effect becomes a perpetual pattern and fosters feelings contrary to that of unconditional love and compassion which in turn creates an untenable situation.
Remember, you have to look at the “roots” and nourish them in order to get wholesome fruit.
If the “root” is diseased, then the plant/tree has to be replaced!!!! – but with what? – with “roots” of unconditional love and compassion leading to growth with respect for the breath of life and beating heart with infinite gratitude for all that is.
I trust and hope that what I have shared so far has touched your heart rather than taken your breath away!!
In any event, as we move on and take a look at the increase in ailments which in one way or another have had a direct or indirect impact on the breath of life and the beating heart –– it is quite STAGGERING!!
They are ALL too numerous to mention but let’s start with the current and most recent coronavirus. It negatively impacts the breath of life which, in extreme cases ultimately has a negative affect on the beating heart. Hence, without the appropriate intervention, the individual will end up transitioning.
The list continues for challenges to the breath of life such as: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung malignancies, etc.
As for heart related, we have coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, heart infections, aortic aneurysms, valvular heart disease, congenital challenges (e.g. with valves or a hole between the pair of heart chambers), etc.
When you combine the above mentioned challenges to the breath of life and the beating heart along with those in our environment such as toxic air, water, soil and food quality plus exposure to household toxins, toxic relationships, electromagnetic fields and radiation, financial and economic stress, etc. –– the disrespect and flat out assault on the breath of life and the beating heart is undeniable and incessant.
Hence, is there any wonder why our history/story as a species has been filled with DRAMA!!! –- “WELCOME TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD TODAY!!”
Remember, regardless of your belief system, constitutional, legislative/legal guidelines or revenue generating objectives, without the breath of life and the beating heart, it all goes to nought!!
Therefore, when the Spotlight of Accountability (S.O.A.) shines on our degree of attunement and respect for the breath of life and the beating heart as well as whether we are creating and fostering feelings of unconditional love and compassion; it must perpetually shine first on ourselves then on all others who are a part of life on this planet we call Earth. The consequence fordisrespecting the breath of life and the beating heart in addition to fostering feelings contrary to unconditional love and compassion in all aspects of life, is immediate and necessary breath and heart centered re–habilitation. Once again, my suggested techniques for re-habilitating and re-establishing breath and heart centered attunement are clearly and simply spelled out in my e-book offering “Self-Worth: A prescription for living in a complex world –”
“I’m all for generating abundance but always from a place of unconditional love and compassion and under the Spotlight of accountability (S.O.A.).”
In order to prevent what is occurring with children, “YES,” I said children; in the African nation of the Congo as referenced in the July 06, 2020 Law & Disorder podcast on the Progressive radio Network (PRN). Under the Spotlight of Accountability (S.O.A.), the aforementioned podcast revealed the following: individuals associated with Swiss, American and Chinese companies are extracting cobalt and making billions on the backs of children(numbering in the tens of thousands) who get poisoned and maimed via this process.
For what? – a pittance of $1/day and all for our digital and electric benefit. This can and MUST be altered NOW!!!!
“Profit at any cost is ultimately a loss!!“
Furthermore, when the numbers (in dollars) generated from mining in the Congo are compared with their distribution or allocation throughout this African Nation; it’s very clear that the architects of this system have their self-worth validation coming from every other place except one of unconditional love and compassion. This pattern of operating delivers a stunning negative impact to large swaths of the Congolese society and in ALL instances, created by people who have the breath of life and the beating heart supporting them. However, they are “TUNED OUT!!” so even when they are responsible for and promote philanthropy (which “I am all for”), in many cases, it lacks authenticity. This can be solved with displays of greater sincerity from a place of unconditional love and compassion and under the Spotlight of accountability (S.O.A.) in order for meaningful change to be!!
Once again, I am making an open and heartfelt appeal to the American marketing genius to support and incessantly promote this much needed shift!!!!
Finally for me, instead off being anti-this or anti-that or consumed by the “isms” and “schisms”, I encourage you to be pro-breath, pro-heart because we can all recognize the necessity of these 2 essential elements/gifts for all of us and all sentient “beings.” So, when we can look at each other and “see” first and foremost the breath of life and the beating heart while prioritizing and respecting them both, then I, you, we, will know that we are making significant progress towards a more harmonious vibration on this planet for one and all as well as for generations to come.
Therefore, “be more than an activist, strive to be a SOLUTIONIST!!!!” Let us all embrace this solution of shining the Spotlight of Accountability (S.O.A.) on ourselves, in every situation, to ensure American and Worldwide respect, focus and attention to the breath of life and the beating heart while constantly displaying and embodying unconditional love and compassion with infinite gratitude for all that is in all of our thoughts, words and actions.
“One Breath, One Heart, Unconditional Love & Compassion Always.” –– WMC™